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Price overview


Below you can find an indicative overview of the prices. Actual prices may vary.



Posters A2
Amounts Price
Full color digital


€ 8,95Excl. btw
2 € 10,95Excl. btw
3 € 11,95Excl. btw
4 € 12,95Excl. btw
5 € 14,95Excl. btw
10 € 20,95Excl. btw
25 € 38,95Excl. btw
50 € 44,95Excl. btw
100 € 48,95Excl. btw
150 € 50,95Excl. btw
200 € 60,95Excl. btw
250 € 67,95Excl. btw


250 € 58,95Excl. btw
500 € 73,95Excl. btw
1000 € 111,95Excl. btw
2000 € 168,95Excl. btw
3000 € 231,95Excl. btw
4000 € 294,95Excl. btw
5000 € 357,95Excl. btw


Tools overview


At High Five we believe that a healthy mind and body are the foundation of every super employee. In this fast-paced, demanding world, the desire for balance and personal health is bigger than ever. With our wide range of vitality services, we inspire everyone to become the motivated, energetic, focused, creative and well balanced team player that is the super employee.

We empower you and your employees to achieve all goals.

Jump on board and join the vitality movement