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KPI Reporting Tool Manual

We are happy to introduce the KPI reporting tool to you. In this online tool we’ll collect the KPI’s that we believe are important for us as a company and for us a provider to our corporate clients.

The tool will help us to create focus on our impact for our clients and those topics that are important for our right of existence.

By defining goals, registering KPI’s, reviewing actions and managing on the KPI’s we will add more structure our reporting.

Enabling us to manage our gyms in such a way that we are in control and have the capability to adjust our actions based on data.

Here you can find all information about the KPI reporting tool, to provide you the support you need while using the tool


At High Five we believe that a healthy mind and body are the foundation of every super employee. In this fast-paced, demanding world, the desire for balance and personal health is bigger than ever. With our wide range of vitality services, we inspire everyone to become the motivated, energetic, focused, creative and well balanced team player that is the super employee.

We empower you and your employees to achieve all goals.

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